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Understanding The FCPx Video Editor Magnetic Timeline

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:51 am
by Team

This is an excellent resource here from Jonny Elwyn. Understanding the FCPx magnetic timeline.  for editing video.,

It starts from the basics and has a comprehensive writeup and video tutorials.

"Before we go much further it makes sense to translate a bit of FCPX terminology:

Library = Project | Event = Bin | Project = Sequence | Primary Storyline = Track 1 | Secondary Storyline = Other Tracks/Group of Clips | Roles = Tracks if you had stayed organised* | Compound Clips = Nested Group of Clips |"


Understanding The FCPx Video Editor Magnetic Timeline

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:36 am
by Team

and here's another one from Sound Snap blog.

use the Primary storyline as an island of null gap and build your edit around it.